Sunday 2 September 2012

A bit more about me.......

I thought I should say a bit more about me.  I have MS, which has sadly been a huge part of my life for almost 24 years.  I first became ill when I gave birth to my first daughter, Sofi.  I suffered with most terrible post natal depression, which almost cost me my marriage.  I leave no blame at my husband's feet as we were both young and totally unprepared to deal with this all-encompassing illness.  At the time my PND went undiagnosed and I was told that I had caught a virus from Sofi's German measles.  At that time, even though it was only a relatively short while ago, it was still something that was pushed behind closed doors, and I continued to battle on alone.  My hormones were crying out for another baby, and I do feel that we should listen to our bodies more, as on the birth of my second daughter approximately two years later, my PND left me as soon as I gave birth.  Sadly this was just the start of my MS, which has continued to be my life-changing elephant in the room.  I have decided to share my story as I feel that this year has been my worst and maybe by sharing my experience with others can offer comfort whilst being therapeutic for me.

I will continue my story, but for now I will put my MS in the locked cupboard it belongs in.

Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday love Jane xx