Sunday 2 September 2012

A bit more about me.......

I thought I should say a bit more about me.  I have MS, which has sadly been a huge part of my life for almost 24 years.  I first became ill when I gave birth to my first daughter, Sofi.  I suffered with most terrible post natal depression, which almost cost me my marriage.  I leave no blame at my husband's feet as we were both young and totally unprepared to deal with this all-encompassing illness.  At the time my PND went undiagnosed and I was told that I had caught a virus from Sofi's German measles.  At that time, even though it was only a relatively short while ago, it was still something that was pushed behind closed doors, and I continued to battle on alone.  My hormones were crying out for another baby, and I do feel that we should listen to our bodies more, as on the birth of my second daughter approximately two years later, my PND left me as soon as I gave birth.  Sadly this was just the start of my MS, which has continued to be my life-changing elephant in the room.  I have decided to share my story as I feel that this year has been my worst and maybe by sharing my experience with others can offer comfort whilst being therapeutic for me.

I will continue my story, but for now I will put my MS in the locked cupboard it belongs in.

Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday love Jane xx


  1. Jane, thank you for sharing this. Bless you. I had breast cancer 13 years ago, and decided to go ahead and have double mastectomies as a preventative. The years since have been filed with reconstruction, infections, depression, weight gain, and ultimately diabetes. (I know that last bit is my own doing!) I know it's not debilitating as your MS is, but I do understand. Health is one of those things that we can so easily take for granted when it is good, isn't it?
    Painting is my salvation, though I often have to "make" myself do it...♥
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Hi Ann
    Thank you so much for kind comments. It means so much and thank you for sharing a part of your life with me. What a brave decision you made, I'm sure you found and still do find it just as debilitating but in a different way.
    I checked your beautiful blog, oh it's just lovely Ann. Isn't it wonderful how we can share in each others creativity and life through blogging. I love sewing away and rather love the dark nights so I can snuggle to sew and crochet. I haven't posted any pics recently as I was in a rush to get my bags to the wool shop. I sell them through my lovely friend Helen at my local knit shop.

    Thank you again and I look forward to more chats in the future love Jane xxx

  3. Hi again, Jane! Thank you so much, dear, for stopping by and for your sweet comments! I've been working on two posts for the blog as well as a Halloween painting/Prismacolor pencil of the kitties that I'll post Saturday for the "virtual" Halloween Party ~ :) I am wanting to start sewing/crocheting again as well...we were at a festival this past weekend, and I saw such beautiful crocheted last crochet project was going to be an afghan for my Mom; I was working on it while I sat with her in the nursing home; then she passed away, and I didn't have the heart to finish it, so I gave it and the rest of the yarn to the kitty sanctuary thrift shop. Now I'm wanting to work on one again...also, my Grandson is taking "sewing" in school ~ FACS, they call it now, "Family and...something-something"...LOL ~ We would have called it "Home Ec" ~ odd for a boy, isn't it? But he loves it! He has my Mom's sewing machine, and yesterday I showed him how to thread the bobbin; makes me want to sew again, as well!
    Talk to you soon!
