Sunday 15 April 2012

Well I've Reached my Half Century

Hi everyone well as you can see from the title of my post I reached my half century today.

 I have had the most wonderful weekend. Yesterday we went to the Glas Fryn in Mold for lunch with my two gorgeous daughters, my niece Laura and her partner and baby. Laura is my third daughter btw as I love her as much as my own girls. My sister Marg came, who although she is older than me is far more glamorous and prettier than me. My dearest friend in the whole world, Jacqui and her daughters Steph and Liss and finally Laura's partners mum Glo. We had a lovely time. I'm not a drinker so it wasnt raucous in any way, and I ended up with three birthday cakes..... Oops. My hub Dave and I went to Chirk this morning for a good mooch round the car boot sale. I got some lovely little vintage china pieces which I will post very soon. We then went on to Powys Castle, which is wonderful and belongs to the National Trust. We were casually followed round the grounds by a peacock family, who suddenly dumped us as soon as we had eaten our scone and walked off with an aloof expression. I said to Dave with a sigh that their colours would match perfectly with my decor if they would only come and live with us.

And finally home to carefully wash all my lovely new treasures. I've had some wonderful presents, cards, messages and love from all my dear family and friends and feel very loved. I hope you have all had a great weekend too with the lovely sunshine. Lots of love Jane xxx

Ooh ps, almost all my bags have sold again so back to it tomorrow x


  1. Happy birthday 'Janie Three Cakes'

    1. Thank you Dan, will be sharing tomorrow xx
